Episode 10: Why does Christianity Oppose Other Beliefs?
Question: There are lots of other religions out there with seemingly good people in them, so why does Christianity so fiercely oppose other beliefs?
It goes back to the beginning, there is a long war between God and Satan. Satan is such an evil being that very few people will worship him directly, so he tries to get worship indirectly. Indirect worship involves idols.
1 Corinthians 10:16-22 God is a jealous God because He is the only Creator. Behind every idol are the demonic forces. This is why the battle has been so intense, the entire Old Testament is God’s long war against idolatry to set the stage for Jesus to come.
John 14:6. Jesus wasn’t kidding when He said He was the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. The forces of confusion/darkness really discount that statement and try to say there is no truth, or it doesn’t matter what you believe. The problem is then that there is such a thing as false doctrine. False doctrine is the confusion that Satan engages in in order to try and get people to turn away from the one true faith. Anything other than the one true faith is revealed in the Scripture in form or another as idolatry.
2 Corinthians 11:2-4. The point is that there is one gospel. It’s the one preached in Acts 2 and onward. There is one Jesus, it’s the Jesus one believes and is immersed into. There is only one Holy Spirit and that’s the one you receive when you’re immersed into Christ. Anything other than this is a different spirit, different Jesus, or different gospel. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. The reason Christianity is opposed to all the other false doctrines is because there’s only one way that leads to eternal life. Every other way is the path of death. Because Jesus loved him, a true Christian loves people enough to try and get them to go to heaven.
The issue is truth versus lies. The issue is light versus darkness. Anything that isn’t truth is a lie. Because the Christian is going to stand for truth, he is also going to stand against anything that is a lie.
Ephesians 4:14. The nature of these things is they may seem to be good people, they may seem to be loving, kind and caring. But underneath if the motive is to send a person to hell, it’s not loving and kind. If the motive is to pull a person into false doctrine then that is an evil individual by the Scripture’s definition of evil.
Ephesians 4:4-6. Anything other than this is a lie, and Christians are going to stand for the way, the truth, and the life.